Happy inter-National Scrapbook Day all!!! Are you ready to shop, play and scrap?
I know I am!!!
And one of the spots I'll be hanging my hat for all the fun,
is 9th & Bloom!
Check out all the festivities they have lined up! Wooot!
And you see that "BOGO SALE" they have listed up above. Well, you read it correctly, there will be some amazing goodies bundled up and priced at gotta-have-it prices!!!
And if you are hooked up with Creations by Racahel B, like with her blog and FB page, you will get it on all of the festivities she's got planned. Check it all out below!
And here is what you will find new in Creations by Rachael B's Shoppe! And I got a chance to play with this amazing kit and luved it; I just know you are gonna luv it!
Just the Way You Are
Friends Forever
Just the Way You Are
Friends Forever
Well, that about sums it up from me! Happy iNSD!!!