Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Sunday!

Hello! It's late Sunday afternoon here; I hope your day has been as eventful as mine. Well, actually mine hasn't been very eventful, but it did involve some relaxation and some work. Kinda of the norm, I guess... I did some ironing, cleaned out Emma's bunny's and hamster cages for her(so she didn't have to worry about doing it; I'm such a nice Mom!), did two loads of laundry, cleaned my new card(boy does it ever look sweatttt now), and washed up our bikes. Oh, and we did some lounging by the pool too! I can now hear Emma and her Dad back in the pool; lots of splashing and giggling going on! It's good to hear that again... gosh I missed Summer!
Anyhow, in the digi world... Ami Collofello over at PGD has an awesome new mini out, it’s called Sweet Tweets mini kit, a must grab now! Look at that color pallette and those adorable elements! Of course, I had to play right away and share my LO below.
(Totally clickable to the store!)
And here a few more of my LOs for th week....
Oh, and you must check out the lastest challenge over at PGD. Cari has posted our scraplift challenge for the month, and it’s a fantastic one! Complete the challenge and post it in our gallery and earn a point. Use your points to redeem for discount coupons or gift certificates! The scraplift is of a memory board; fun hey?!!! Here is my take on it:

Oh, and some more LOs of mine....

Full credits of all my LOs can be found here, in my gallery at PGD.

Well, not much more to share today... I'm off to scrap for awhile! Tah! Tah!

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