Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to all!!!

Good Sunday morning and Happy Mother's Day! I so hope your day is filled with fun and love! And for my Mother's Day, we are traditionally gathering at my Mom's this afternoon. I'm lookn' forward to it, because it's been since Easter that we all got together. I miss the family! And later this afternoon, we are surprising Emma with the "Walking With Dinosaurs" show.
She is gonna freak! Otherwise, that's my Sunday/Mother's Day plans...

And hey, I wanted to tell you about the new challenge up over at Pixel Gypsy Designs.
It's full of fun and will definately get that mojo a hoppn'! :)

The Challenge: Christine says "I love to make lists. That's why my blog is called Listgirl. For this challenge... make a list of at least 10 things on your layout. It can be any type of list with any subject matter, but make sure you have at least 10 things on there.
Also, use at least two different alphas."
The Prize: A $5 PGD gift certificate.
Here is the LO I created for this challenge. :)

Link us up to your list layouts by the 15th either in this thread in the PGD forums,
or in the comments to Sherrie's post over on her blog!

I would also like to share my most recent LOs... All credits can be found either at

Well, I guess that's it for day... Tah! Tah!

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