Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Sunday morning to you all!!! How has this fine day started for you and yours? Good I hope! Mine started out by sleeping in... 7:15 a.m. is when I finally decided to get up. It felt sooooo good to sleep in. And now I'm just relaxing in front of my puter with a cup of coffee and my favorites spots on the web.
So are you in the mood for a scraplift! This month at over at the Pixel Gypsy Blog we want you to scraplift Ami Collofello's 'Deep in Thought' LO.(Isn't it so pretty?!!!) The image is linked, if you'd like to see a bigger view. I just finished my lift of this beauty and will share it later; I haven't uploaded it to the PGD gallery yet. But, I will...

What are the scraplift rules? Well, this is pretty simple and open. You can do an exact lift of Ami's layout, design, color, topic and all or put your own spin on it. Follow her design but change the colors and topic. Keep her colors, but modify the design. Let this lift inspire you in whatever way it can!

When you're done with your lift, post a link to the layout in the comments section of the Pixel Gypsy Design blog, here . You need to be linked up here in order to properly award your points!
If you're just discovering our challenges, you can still join in! We post a collection of challenges throughout the month (both here and in the PGD forums) that give you the opportunity to earn points when you complete them. At the end of the month, we tally the points and give out prizes. Our highest point earner gets the Grand Prize which is the complete PGD personal use store for free! First and second runners up get awesome gift certificates, and we have a little something for everyone who participates no matter how many points you earned! For the complete details, including how many points you earn for layouts and how to earn bonus points, check out this post in the PGD forums.

Now onto the new designs added to shop this last week!!! You find them all in the New Products area of the PGD shoppe, here.

Well, that's it for now... I'll be back later to share some LOs... Tah! Tah!

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