Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Well, I missed blogging on my normal Sunday morning.. just a bit busy, is all. We had a wonderful weekend though! The weather was beautiful (in the 70's)and my niece Jenne came for the weekend. We were busy beavers around here. I took Jenna and Emma roller skaing, which I even put on skates and had some fun with the girls. It brought back memories of when my sister Marcie (Jenna's Mom) and I used to take the girls to enjoy fun activiies. It made me long for Marcie to be here with us.... I miss her and all the fun times we shared with our girls. But, I know Marcie is lookn' down on us from heaven and smiling, knowing her daughter Jenna is enjoying life. I even heard Jenna say, that she loves coming to house because it is so fun...
(That made me feel good inside!)

Otherwise on Sunday, we spent the day at Grandma's. I did yard work for my Mom, because she just can't do it anymore; it's hard on her bad back. I enjoy doing things for my Mom... because it makes me feel good and I know she won't be hurting from attempting to do it herself. The girls took a walk in the woods, road bikes and were just girls on a nice Spring day.
I even hot them to cklimb trees, just like I did when I was kid.
Here are few pics from their tree climbing experienc.

And I must share a few of my recent LOs too!

Full credits can be found at PGD and DST. :)

And I must show you the new products over at Pixel Gypsy Designs!
And I'm gonna play with them today, for sure!!!

Well, I'm off for the day, gotta get my Emma off to school! Tah! Tah!

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